Our Automated ADS Refactoring solution delivers modern Cloud-enabled applications and databases that are functionally equivalent to their legacy counterparts, eliminating the hassle and expense of ADS, IDMS, ADSA, and the mainframe. This reduces cost, allows for deeper integration, and enables customization to meet business requirements.

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Discussing the 2022 Mainframe Modernization Report

60 minutes

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Why modernize?


Scarcity of domain expertise

Developers who understand ADS, ADSA, IDMS, and mainframe technology are reaching retirement age and no one is trained to replace them, resulting in a steadily diminishing talent pool. As this shortage grows, the costs and risk of relying on these technologies will continue to rise.

Limited flexibility

Companies are rapidly moving to modern environments and practices such as DevOps and the Cloud. However ADS, ADSA, IDMS and the underlying systems that support them were not designed for modern IT, resulting in difficult integrations and limited flexibility.


Exorbitant costs

Mainframes running ADS, ADSA, and IDMS cost as much as 4,500 per cent more to operate than equivalent Cloud counterparts. This figure is compounded by the rising licensing and maintenance fees for these specialized technologies. 

Automated ADS Refactoring


Dealing with pre-relational network databases has long been the domain of specialist DBAs. Unfortunately, this talent pool is shrinking rapidly as IDMS specialists reach retirement age, creating scarcity, driving up maintenance costs, and compounding risk. As companies seek to migrate away from IDMS, they must also account for ancillary components such as ADS, an abstraction tool used to develop modular applications using IDMS databases, when making the shift.

Our Automated ADS Refactoring solution provides a turnkey modernization of your ADS dialogs to object-oriented Java or C#, and your associated IDMS databases to relational models deployed to the Cloud or on premises. This service also includes IDMS-based application components such as process modules, maps, ADSA structures, edit and code tables, automatic editing, IDD messages, scratch and queue processing, and IDMS-DC language subroutines.

Our solution preserves the benefits of legacy systems while empowering organizations to leverage the advantages of newer platforms, especially the Cloud. This unlocks a whole new world of automation and scalability from automated testing to quality assurance, and the ability to leverage containerized deployments and orchestration with Docker and Kubernetes.

Refactoring ADS and its related components to object-oriented Java or C# presents many challenges. As such, our Automated ADS Refactoring solution was designed with the following requirements in mind:

  • Refactored applications must remain functionally equivalent to their original counterparts
  • Refactored applications must be easily maintainable, attain SonarQube A ratings, and follow object-oriented concepts and paradigms
  • Refactored applications should perform as well as, or better than, the original applications
  • Refactored applications should be Cloud-ready and delivered using a standard DevOps toolchain and best practices

Learn more

Over 35 years of ADS, ADSA, IDMS, and mainframe modernization experience

More than 500 successful modernization projects completed

Over 2.5 billion lines of code refactored through automation

Intelligent modernization, unparalleled experience


Additional resources to help you modernize



Modernizing GE Capital's environment

We completed the assessment, ADS/O refactor to COBOL, database design and data migration which resulted in reducing run costs by 66%.

Read case study





How to begin your modernization journey

By joining this webinar you will discover how assessments provide stakeholders with valuable insight to inform mainframe modernization decisions.

Watch on demand





2022 Mainframe Modernization Report

Exploring the impact of the new era of digitalization and change on the current state of legacy systems and organizations' modernization plans.

Read report



Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

Dec 02, 2022 by Tim Jones, Managing Director of Application Modernization, Advanced

Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

Oct 21, 2022 by Tim Jones, Managing Director of Application Modernization, Advanced

Best practices for ADSO conversion

Following the recent successful conversion of a large financial institution from ADSO to a modern platform, here are your options for your own success.

Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

Sep 05, 2017 by Rob Anderson, Vice President of Marketing and Product, Advanced

News & Opinions

BLOG // 13-02-2024

How DevOps is influencing mainframe modernization strategies

by Tim Jones, Managing Director - Application Modernization

How DevOps is influencing mainframe modernization strategies