Additional resources to help you modernise



United States Department of Energy

We were able to rehost the Natural/Adabas-based visitor tracking system at the Savannah River Site to a modern Windows environment.

Read case study





Natural/Adabas migration strategy

Discover considerations for mapping a migration path, and how to modernise Natural/Adabas applications for a more secure future.

Watch on demand





2022 Mainframe Modernisation Report

Exploring the impact of the new era of digitalisation and change on the current state of legacy systems and organisations' modernisation plans.

Read report



Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

29 Jul 2022 by Rob Anderson, Vice President of Marketing and Product, Advanced

Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

11 Aug 2021 by Rob Anderson, Vice President of Marketing and Product, Advanced

Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

15 Jun 2021 by Rob Anderson, Vice President of Marketing and Product, Advanced