Overcoming Resistance to Mainframe Modernization in Government: Tips for Winning Over Stakeholders

19/06/2023 minute read Rob Anderson

Modernising mainframes and legacy systems is crucial for government agencies to keep up with a rapidly evolving digital landscape. However, it’s not always easy to convince stakeholders to take the plunge. Despite its importance, mainframe modernisation can be met with resistance for a variety of reasons, from lack of resources to fear of change. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss practical tips for overcoming resistance to mainframe modernisation in government. 

Tip 1: Establish Clear Goals 

Before embarking on a mainframe modernisation project, it’s important to establish clear goals and objectives. This will help stakeholders understand what they can expect to gain from the project and why it’s worth the investment of time and resources. 

For example, if the main goal is to improve system performance or reduce costs, stakeholders will likely be more receptive to the idea of modernisation. By outlining clear goals and setting realistic expectations, you can help your stakeholders understand the benefits that come with mainframe modernisation. 

Tip 2: Highlight Risks of Doing Nothing 

Another effective way to convince stakeholders of the need for mainframe modernisation is by highlighting the risks of doing nothing. Legacy systems that are not modernised may be vulnerable to cyber-attacks, which could result in data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. 

In addition, legacy mainframes can be expensive to maintain, and as technology advances, it may become increasingly difficult and costly to find personnel who are skilled in maintaining them. 

Tip 3: Involve Stakeholders from the Start 

Involve stakeholders in the planning process from the start. By engaging stakeholders early on, they will feel more invested in the project and will have a sense of ownership over its success. 

Stakeholder involvement can also help identify potential roadblocks early on and ensure that the effort is aligned with organisational priorities. 

Tip 4: Communicate Effectively 

Effective communication is key to overcoming resistance to mainframe modernisation. Start by creating a clear, concise message that highlights the benefits of modernisation, and identify key stakeholders who can help spread that message. 

Use multiple channels to communicate the message, including emails, meetings and presentations. Keep the message consistent across all channels, and make sure to address any concerns that stakeholders may have. 

Tip 5: Provide Adequate Resources and Training 

Lack of resources and training can be major stumbling blocks in mainframe modernisation efforts. To overcome resistance, it’s important to ensure that stakeholders have access to the resources they need to get the job done, including funding, personnel, and technology. 

In addition, it’s important to provide adequate training and support to employees who will be using the new systems. This will help ensure a smooth transition and minimise disruptions to daily operations. 

Tip 6: Celebrate Successes 

Celebrating successes along the way can help build momentum and maintain stakeholder buy-in. Recognise and reward progress and communicate the positive impacts of the modernisation effort to all stakeholders. 

Highlighting successes helps stakeholders see the tangible benefits of the effort, and reinforces the value of the investment. 

Tip 7: Mitigate Risk 

To overcome resistance to mainframe modernisation, it’s important to identify and mitigate risk. Conduct a thorough risk analysis early on in the planning process and identify ways to minimise risk throughout the project. 

By doing so, you can reassure stakeholders that the effort is being managed responsibly, and that the risks associated with modernisation are being handled appropriately. 

Tip 8: Continuously Evaluate and Adapt 

Effective mainframe modernisation is a continuous process that requires ongoing evaluation and adaptation. Monitor progress, solicit feedback from stakeholders, and be open to making changes as needed. 

By continuously evaluating and adapting, you can ensure that the effort stays on track, and that stakeholders remain invested in the project. 

Download our latest eBook Revitalising Government: Legacy Application and System Modernisation where we discuss the main advantages and challenges of modernising mainframe systems in government. We'll explore different approaches to modernisation and provide tips on how to make a convincing case for modernisation within your agency. 

Ready to take the next step? 

No matter what kind of modernisation plans you’re considering, Advanced can help you meet your objectives and drastically reduce project risk by harnessing the power of unmatched modernisation expertise and powerful proprietary tools. Get in touch today.